Meet Angie Becker, Program Manager

Associate highlight: Angie Becker

My name is Angie Becker. I'm a program manager at GMI Solutions. I started here in 2007. I was a baby when I started here. So originally I started as an account manager and then worked my way up to program manager.

The culture at GMI is customer orientated with also working together as a team. But emphasis on customer as we all are here because of them. Customers like GMI because we are very problem focused, but also are very good at thinking outside the box and also being able to use both of those to come up with a good solution for them. We are honest and we are straightforward and we don't hide things from them.

What makes me proud to work at GMI is I would say the people in the products that we manufacture. And I think for me personally, I've had family members go through some medical stuff and we've used the equipment and it just goes to show the things that we are doing. We all take pride in doing a good job so that they're they can live a happy life.

Reach out to Angie to learn more about how GMI can help you save money.

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